8.1 Rman恢复的概念
8.1.1 Restore 和 Recovery的区别
Restoration: A corrupted data file is overwritten from a backup of the data file .The data file is at a prior point of time than the current database.
Recovery: Recovery applies the changes to the individual blocks,using archive and redo information,to move the database forward to the current point in time.
12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637 #设置表空间为offlineRMAN> SQL 'alter tablespace tab01 offline immediate';sql statement: alter tablespace tab01 offline immediate#Restore还原物理文件RMAN> restore tablespace tab01;Starting restore at 30-DEC-16using channel ORA_DISK_1skipping datafile 5; already restored to file /home/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/mmpdb3/tab01.dbfrestore not done; all files read only, offline, or already restoredFinished restore at 30-DEC-16#Recover恢复数据RMAN> recover tablespace tab01;Starting recover at 30-DEC-16using channel ORA_DISK_1channel ORA_DISK_1: starting incremental datafile backup set restorechannel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup setdestination for restore of datafile 00005: /home/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/mmpdb3/tab01.dbfchannel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /home/oracle/dbbak/rman/mmpdb3_level_1_database_MMPDB3_20161229_328channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/home/oracle/dbbak/rman/mmpdb3_level_1_database_MMPDB3_20161229_328 tag=TAG20161229T230036channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:07starting media recoverymedia recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:00Finished recover at 30-DEC-16#设置表空间为onlineRMAN> SQL 'alter tablespace tab01 online';sql statement: alter tablespace tab01 online
8.1.2 数据文件恢复–nologging创建表
8.1.3 恢复初始化参数文件spfile